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Dmitry Mikxailovich Fevralev

We had the pleasure to meet Photographer Dmitry Mikxailovich Fevralev and ask him some questions about him and his work!

Name: Dmitry Mikxailovich Fevralev
Age: 30
Profession: Fine art photographer, film photography
Motivation: Exploration of new
Music: Mainly blues , but open to everything
Hobbys: hiking , rock climbing.

What question you’d like to have an answer for?
Will Ridley Scott ever make another blade runner movie ? Or movie in the same universe ?

If you could choose where to live, what would your happy place be?
Already there , one and only NYC!

3 fun facts about you, that nobody knows 😉
I’ve kept those facts a secret for all my life , and planing on keeping it that way 😉

How did your creative journey start before you became a photographer?
Skateboarding , and sh”t fisheye videos . I think it made the most impact. I remember having a camcorder and impatiently waiting to finally land some flips over 7 stairs. Still photography came a few years later. My dad used to shoot film , dark room was always in the house. It was hard not to get involved.

What’s the most important thing for you while taking photos?
Atmosphere , positive mood and personal connection. I think if those three elements are there , it’s always a success.

Your style is very personal, full of expression and natural. How do you choose your models?
Mainly I always schedule a test , where we pick a small route , and shoot along the way . It gives time to produce different location, light, and bond of some sort. It definitely helps both parties feel more comfortable around each other.

As the worldwide situation is pretty hard right now, we’re wondering how you’re feeling about the situation and how it is for you as a young, aspiring creative?
I mean , I’ve definitely took a hit with loosing editorial contracts. I have some savings , and went back to freelance lifestyle for now. It’s pretty hard times for people who aren’t qualifying for any help and support . So I’ve been donating 60% of my profits to Floyd’s family camping and campaigns of local creatives. There are plenty of people who actually need help right now ,and it’s definitely not the time to be selfish . Taking care of community and contribution is very important. Personally I’m okay for now .

What is your personal wish for the upcoming year?
Stability . I think the rest comes after , you can’t have peace without roof over your head , COVID impact many , too many. I think everyone can use some stability, where it’s their finances , homes , jobs or relationships

If you’d be a superhero, what would your superpower be?
Ability to learn any skill in seconds. Totally stole this idea , but it does sounds pretty good.

Photographer: Dmitry Mikxailovich Fevralev
Female Model: Randy Nila Maligaya
Female Model: Alyssa
Model: Sasha Yevsikov
Female Model: Anna Hirata
Model: Yaroslava Belimenko
Model: Mallory Hawk
Female Model: Veronika Katsakadze
Model/Makeup Artist: Doe Darling


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