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Name Aleks
Age 34
Profession Creative Director
Motivation Freedom to be who you want, to create yourself everyday from the begining.
Music Robyn, Cocorosie, Anthony & The Johnsons, Fka Twigs, Tame Impala, Portishead, Cigarettes after sex
Hobbys Modern art

Hi Aleksandra! 
For us it’s very important to publish diversity, embrace creativity and support young artists. We really love your designs at ELEVEN TEN STUDIO.

What was your motivation to start a gender fluid brand like this.

It’s tied closely with my beliefs of absolute equality. Every human being have full right to be treated in the same way, no matter gender, race or religion. That’s why in the first place I’ve created a brand, then came clothes.

Where do you get your inspiration for new designs from? Are you doing everything by your own, or working together with other creatives?

Its everyday life and art. Today is tomorrow’s history and I’m very big observant of reality around me. How social media influence us, how politics and culture evolves. This is very interesting. And from the other hand there is art, I’m big fan of Basquiat, Pollock, Rothko, Warhol, Hirst, Hackney they are/were also very good observant of everyday reality. Social/politics have very strong impact on my work. Currently I work by myself only, but always open to new collaboration.

As the worldwide situation is pretty hard right now, we’re wondering how you’re feeling about the situation and how it is for you as a young, aspiring creative?

Indeed it is very hard, but also very stimulating, it pushes you to act, think differently.

Why is gender fluidity so important for you? And why do you think people should be much more open?

There is no such a thing as sex associated to the piece of cloth. Suit can be worn by women, men can wear skirt. In many cultures or historically looking, what men and women was wearing changes. It is our european/american social norms that dictate nowadays binary system. But its not how it used to be or how it is all over the world. It’s my body, my clothes and as long as I don’t hurt anyone I have right to wear what I want when I want. It’s called freedom.

What question you’d like to have an answer for?

Why people hurt each other? Why they kill each other bc of religion, race, hair color? Why we cannot accept other human being?

If you could choose where to live, what would your happy place be?

Moon ? but seriously, I love big cities, so would like to spend few months in Shanghai, New York, Berlin, Hong Kong, Sydney. Never settle, that’s my goal.

3 fun facts about you, that nobody knows 😉

Haha, I’m an open book, not sure those will be secrets, but I have OCD (this is funny when you see me putting everything back with surgeon precision). I often talk to myself, because I need to hear my thoughts (my grandma do it all the time too). I collect pictures of clouds.


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